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Bestie from Taiwanese Dramas

Having someone you can share anything with, be your listen when you're down, be proud of you when you achieve your goals, be there for you when you have difficulties and stand up for you.

Who even need a guy or romance when you have a bestie like this?

On 30/7 International Friendship Day, let's check out those friendships in Taiwanese dramas.


Joanna《Love is Science》

"If you are a loser, then I am too, let's be losers together~ "

Fei Yan always has to be strong in front of her family, employees, and clients. Joanna has always been Fei Yan's security blanket, when Joanna is around, Fei can always express her true feelings.

Even though they wasn't friends when she ran into Fei Yan in a bad state in the US, she still decided to help her by starting up their own business in Taiwan.


Kefei Han《Before We Get Married》

"I know this is difficult, but you have to remember that you have to be true to yourself, no matter what decision you make, I will always be there for you. "

A friend who will take a slap for you.

Always aware of Weiwei's hesitation, staying by her side and take all kinds of attack for her. As well as encourage Weiwei to fave her true feelings.


Chloe Kuo《Mother to Be》

"Infertility is not a punishment, you are a complete you. Whether you have children or no, you deserve to be happy."

She is always there when her friends got into an argument with their husbands, listen to them and comfort them.

When Lifang was suffering from fertility treatment, Chloe decided to speak up for her and let her husband's family face the reality.


Xiaoniao Gongye, Meiji Lin, Zhi Xia《The Arc of Life》

"Hugs can bring you love and courage!"

Three woman who had different personalities, became friends that complement each other as they founded Little Bird together.

When one lover pass away, when scammed by a man, when attacked by rumours, they all have each other's back.


Lilies (Susan and Qiu Tian Lin) and Chun Tian Lin《Lost Romance》

"Half a pack is the best unit in the world,without someone to share, no matter how delicious a snack is, it will become tasteless."

When XianEn gained her female-lead spot and bullied by other co-workers, Lilies still stand by her side and believe in her.

As for Chun Tian, she is more than a friend to Xiao-en, she's family.

Lilies 鄭曉恩、蘇珊、林秋天、林春天 (宋芸樺、劉主平、陳歆姸)《浪漫輸給你》

Da Mei《U Mother Baker》

"People can only live in the moment, sincerely treat the people around them. If you kept thinking about the things you can't touch and hold from the past, you are only wasting your time."

When Yi Ou Xi lost her husband and didn't want to go home, Da Mei gave her a place to stay. When the Su family mistreat her, Da Mei will always speak up for her.

Although she may not always agree with Yi Ou Xi's decision, she will always be there for her.

大美(林筳諭 勇兔)、小鷗(黃姵嘉)《我的婆婆怎麼那麼可愛》

Ming Shan, Mei Qi, Tian Tian, Qian Man, Dan Fang, Jing Fan《Young Days No Fears》

"If you start worrying about hurting your love ones, it means that you've already grown up. Do you want to be able to protect them? "

As long as someone encounters a scumbag or is bullied, the whole group would come together to teach those people a lesson!


Qingqing Wang, Kaiting Zhou, Marisa《Iron Ladies》

"A man who cares about you won't break your heart. A man who doesn't care about you, doesn't even care whether you are sad or not."

Good partners no matter in both work and personal life.

3 iron ladies will only let their guards down when they are with each other.


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