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Your Name Engraved Herein Quotes【Text Only】

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Treat your musical instrument as your lover. Embrace it with love or it would be like holding a rock and painful for the audience.


It's beautiful to fall in love at your age. It will come if it's meant to be. No one can stop it.


Love is not just physical intimacy.


When I looked at him, he was looking at me too.


If what you give me is the same as what you give to others, then I don't want it.


So it was merely procreation. It shouldn't be like that if you're in love.


It turns to love over time.


Don't you think things are more fun in the movies than in real life?


Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.


I was talking about that, not lust. Lust is only physical intimacy. I want him to truly accept me in his heart.

You've never love anyone like I do, so you will never understand!


Do you think the world has changed? Actually, it hasn't changed a bit.


I thought the world revolved around us. How did I become an outsider all of a sudden?


Jealousy is like a snake. It will eat your heart.


Why is it a sin to love someone?


Do you know how to romanise the Mandarin word for "good night"?

W-A-N A-N. Each letter has a meaning.

W means "I". A means "love". N means "you".

A-N, means "love you".


So you can like girls, but I can't like boys?

Is your love bigger than the love I give?

Tell me. What's the difference between your love and mine? Tell me the difference!

"Care" doesn't necessarily mean love.


Help me go to hell then. I'd rather go to hell now. Don't all homosexuals deserve to go to hell? Maybe more people would understand me in hell.


I dare to say who I like. Do you dare?


"I won't give a damn anymore if you don't stop! I'm serious!"

"When did you give a damn about me? Tell me when have you ever cared about me?"


Everyone's first lot is as great as an epic movie.


I only understood later on. Liking boys is innate. If I had known, I wouldn't have tried so hard. It has ruined my life, and his.

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