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10 things you might not know about ‘The Making of an Ordinary Woman’ S2|Birth of S2? Improvisation!

'The Making of an Ordinary Woman' season 2 has come to an end last week. From season 1 in 2019 to the end in 2021, the family of Jia Ling has definitely has won our hearts, and we will miss them for sure!

Let's see if you know these things about the Ordinary Woman





10 Thank you Director Yan's mother

After the success of season one, Director Yan's mother called her saying, Taiwan has already got aging population, how come you make a series to encourage people not to get married and have kids!. Because of this phone call, Director Yan realised more how different people views towards a series can be, and started the idea of filming season 2.


9 Harasser was originally going to be played by him!?

As Director Yan can't find anyone to play the harasser on the bus, so she was originally going to ask Director Chang Lun Chen to play this character, and Director Chen wanted to ask Yi An Lou to play. At the end Director Yan contacted her friend, Ren Fung Ye to play the harasser.


8 Almost all the characters are professional actors

All the characters in season 2, not only supporting characters, but those who only appear in one episode or one scene, nearly all of them are professional actors. Including Lego Lee, Hsin Ling Chung, Honduras Hung, Zhi-Ying Zhu and Ming Shuai Shih.


7 Improvisation

Remember when Jia Ling brought Dr. Hall to have a meal, and her parents were having an English competition?

This scene was actually actor Zhu-sheng Chen and Ziyu Yu‘s improvisation, and Dr. Hall's laugh was actually a blooper, Ziyu Yu even sang 'Ten Little Indian' but just was not cut into the final.

Ying Xuan Hsieh even said "If the directors didn't cut, they can really go on and on!"


6 Third Season? Movie?

Not only in previous interviews, but the ending song 'Sayonara' has implied that the story ends at season 2, and there will be no season 3. During the ending scene of season 2, it has also been sung out 'The story has end at this point. Want to watch more? Don't be stupid!' Telling the audience to go back to their lives.

BUT during the live after season 2 episode 10, Director Yan said "Director Chen and I was too tired and under too much pressure when shooting this season, so we all said NO. But now, I think saying goodbye at this moment, I will leave a foreshadowing, I don't know if it's (saying goodbye) is temporary or permanent." Even though we will not get a third season, actor Zhu-sheng Chen has suggested taking the Chen family to a reality show or outing.


5 Lines and scenes not from the script


With a

as atmosphere develops, sometimes they will come up with some content that is not in the script.

Including: "Gu gu gu gu gu gu~",

Jia Ling and

When . came back from the UK to surprise Jia Ming "If I don't come back, I feel like I'm going to lose you.".


4 Your daughter looks like her dad? Or the neighbour next door?

Dr. Liu and the nurse who helped Jia Ling delivered the baby in the series are also doctor and nurse in reality. The line which made audience break tears into smile "Does she looks like her dad more or the neighbour next door", is actually a line provided by Dr. Liu, as this is how he makes fun of his actual patients (of course only those he knows better, who will not get mad)


3 Pursue realism

The 'Cohabitation Convention' that mother Chen showed father Chen when she returned home, it's not only just a front cover, there are actual rules in it, like housework division, each person's time with the remote control should be evenly distributed, before mother Chen forgive father Chen, he can't sleep in their bedroom etc.

The pregnant bump that has surprised fans for how realistic it looks, took more than two hours to work on. Beginning with sticking a fake bump on Ying Xuan Hsieh, then drawing stretch marks on it. To film Jia Ling giving birth, the crew has contacted a pregnant woman scheduled for c-section beforehand. Within the first hours the baby has born, nurse quickly brought her to the set, and everyone on the crew was able to witness the coming of a new life. (Awwww)


2 Break the fourth wall

During the scene when Jia Ling and Yong Sen Cai got back together, it ends with Jia Ling staring at the audience. But it is actually Ying Xuan Hsieh staring at the directors!

When preparing for this scene, both the actors has already spent a lot of energy on rehearsal, and has already shoot the scene several times. When shooting the one we see in the series, Ying Xuan Hsieh has been waiting for the two directors to shout cut, but have not heard anything, so she turned to stare at the directors. When editing the footages, the directors found this shoot brings great effect, so they kept it in the final production.

(The fourth wall, means the imagined wall separates actors from the audience.)


1 Only used 5 minutes to decide to film One-shot



Source: CatchPlay+



Watch 'The Making of an Ordinary Woman 2' here ➤ CatchPlay+; iQiyi

Watch 'The Making of an Ordinary Woman' here ➤ YouTube; CatchPlay+ ;


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